
In choosing the content of this site, including the links accessed from this site, I have striven to choose only content which is Scout-related and or beneficial for Scouters. I believe any link accessible from this site is appropriate for Scouters of any age, including Cub Scouts. If you find a direct link to inappropriate material, please contact me.

However, as is the nature of the Internet, anyone using these links can continue to link from site to site and may end up in inappropriate areas.

The contents of this site are my responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the Boy Scouts of America or of Troop 132's sponsor.

Dates and Times on this sites calendar are updated by the Scouts in the troop through the PLC. There accuracy is not checked by me or any other Scouter in the troop. If there is a error in the calender or the newsfeed, please bring it to my attention and we will attempt to fix it. Teaching the Boys responsibility and leadership is key to this organization. We will discuss with them the importance of accurately updating this content.

Yours in Scouting,
J Croom, Committee Member